########################################################################### # # Copyright (c) PipelineFX L.L.C. All rights reserved. # ########################################################################### # # Filename: RELEASE.txt # # Description: # Release notes for the 3dsmax jobtype for Qube! # ########################################################################### IMPORTANT!!! Please read the README.txt file for the latest important information regarding the installation and use of this package. ########################################################################### @RELEASE: 6.10-0 This release is designed to work with Qube! version 6.10-x. ########################################################################### @RELEASE: 6.9-0 This release is designed to work with Qube! version 6.9-x. ==== CL 16849 ==== @NEW:3DS Max 2017 Job Type Support ########################################################################### @RELEASE: 6.8-2 ==== CL 15635 ==== @NEW: 3dsmaxjt: add pre- and post-render script execution ZD: 12182,12496,15245 JIRA: QUBE-546 ==== CL 15622 ==== @INTERNAL: made sure all functions are non-global in qbUtilStructLogging.ms (they all belong to gQube.util). JIRA: QUBE-1469 ZD: 15259 ==== CL 15621 ==== @INTERNAL: wrapped contents of server.ms in a local scope. JIRA: QUBE-1469 ZD: 15259 ########################################################################### @RELEASE: 6.8-1 ==== CL 15565 ==== @FIX: 3dsmaxjt: remove empty "endOfStruct" attribute (and variants of it) from all structure definitions. JIRA: QUBE-1469 ZD: 15259 ==== CL 15564 ==== @FIX: 3dsmaxjt: remove unused maxscript module, qbStatusStruct.ms, and any reference to it JIRA: QUBE-1469 ZD: 15259 ==== CL 15563 ==== @FIX: 3dsmaxjt: remove unused maxscript module, qbJobSimurationStruct.ms JIRA: QUBE-1469 ZD: 15259 ==== CL 15562 ==== @FIX: 3dsmaxjt: removed duplicate definition of qbUtilStruct JIRA: QUBE-1469 ZD: 15259 ==== CL 15487 ==== @CHANGE: 3dsmax jt: added back render elements support to the default scan line renderer ZD: 15441 ==== CL 15475 ==== @FIX: add support in 3dsmax jobtype to display 16-bit logging output that was introduced in 3ds Max 2016 JIRA: QUBE-1210 ZD: 14492 ########################################################################### @RELEASE: 6.8-0 This release is designed to work with Qube! version 6.8-x. ########################################################################### @RELEASE: 6.7-1 ==== CL 14588 ==== @NEW: 3dsMax V-Ray DBR jobs can display the V-Ray frame buffer on the submitting machine to allow the end-user to easily monitor DBR render in progress ==== CL 14561 ==== @NEW: add ability to not render on master for 3dsMax V-Ray DBR ==== CL 14510 ==== @CHANGE: 3dsMax V-Ray DBR jobs can now start once all satellite instances are running, or the master node will "collect" satellite nodes for a set period of time and then start with less than the full complement; unstarted instances are immediately set to "complete" since they won't be able to contribute once the master has started the render @NEW: add callbacks that kill or fail all instances as soon as the master running on instance 0 is killed or failed ==== CL 14256 ==== @FIX: tweak the args to Win32::Process to properly pass the -port argument to vrayspawner ==== CL 14240 ==== @FIX: a few issues causing Vray DR jobs from running properly. * VRay.ms: properly escape spaces and backslashes in file path args to "renameFile" via gQube.util.executeCommand. * VRay.ms: add missing parens to invocation of prepareDistributedRender() * VRay.ms: fixed typo "rawFielName" in prepareRawFile(), which was causing error: Unknown property: "count" in undefined * qbUtilStruct.ms: fixed type "optinos" in myAssert * utils.pm: made sure to use DOS line ending, CRLF, or "\r\n", when creating the vray_dr.cfg file in createVRayDR_CFG_File() ==== CL 14212 ==== @FIX: added workaround to a newly introduced bug in 3ds max 2016 maxscript, when writing to a dotnet named pipe stream. This was causing false negatives during output file check in the jobtype, causing frames to fail when they're actually fine. ==== CL 14174 ==== @FIX: fix issue where jobs will fail on some systems, complainging about a missing folder "C:\qbDebug", or being unable to write to a text file inside it. ########################################################################### @RELEASE: 6.7-0a This release is designed to work with Qube! version 6.7-x. @FIX: issue with jobtype generating an error about the folder "C:\qbDebug" and failing. ########################################################################### @RELEASE: 6.7-0 This release is designed to work with Qube! version 6.7-x. There were a number of internal changes in this version to improve stability and ease future enhancements. Please note that we have dropped support for earlier versions of 3ds Max. Now the supported versions are 3ds Max 2010 and above. The "legacy mode" has also been discontinued, accordingly. ==== CL 13849 ==== @NEW: add support for 3ds Max 2016 and 3ds Max Design 2016 JIRA: QUBE-792 ==== CL 13735 ==== @CHANGE: V-Ray DBR jobs in 3dsMax can now start immediately, hosts can join in as they become available ==== CL 13733 ==== @CHANGE: 3dsmax job.conf jobtype version to 6.7-0. Also removed legacy parameters. ==== CL 13243 ==== @FIX: a few key bug fixes to the 3dsmax jobtype @FIX: translate forward-slashes to backslashes in the path to maxscriptServer.ms, which was causing UNC paths to break (for centralizing the jobtype) @FIX: force-load dotNet's "System.Core" module to avoid random failure of creating the named pipe @FIX: rename "renderJob" maxscript struct to "qbRenderJob" to avoid name clashes with custom/3rd-party code. ZD: 12587 JIRA: QUBE-644, QUBE-650, QUBE-651 @FIX: issue with the perl-side buffer-reading code, where it would incorrectly disconnect and die if the read-buffer contained data size divisible by 512 bytes. ########################################################################### @RELEASE: 6.6-0 This release is designed to work with Qube! version 6.6-x. ==== CL 12896 ==== @FIX: add code to avoid crashing when any of the render element output filenames are undefined. fixed syntax error introduced in a recent check-in. ZD: 11987 ==== CL 12634 ==== @FIX: fixed code that adds the default 3ds Max installation directories in "C:/Program Files/Autodesk" to the executable search path. Perl's "glob()" routine doesn't work well on Windows, so had to hand-craft a routine to find all the "3ds Max*" folders. Similarly, found that the registry path search is also broken, due to Perl's Win32::TieRegsitry module not working as advertised. Fix will come sometime in the future... ZD: 11831 ==== CL 12336 ==== @CHANGE: Add explanation that domain admin rights will be needed for the execution accounts under active domain environments. ZD: 11268 ==== CL 12085 ==== @CHANGE: updated the following jobtypes to handle the new "failed" status returned by requestwork() when agenda preflights fail: _3dsmax maya mentalray mtor xsi QUBE-254 ==== CL 12060 ==== @TWEAK: better message (ERROR instead of INFO) when exception is caught in maxscriptServer::run() ==== CL 12059 ==== @FIX: job instance getting stuck in "running" instead of "failing" when there were fatal errors in the "prep()" stage in maxJob.pm. ZD: 9946 shinya@shinyambp:~/work/pipelinefx/src/rel-6.6 % p4changes.pl -relnotes //depot/main/jobtypes/_3dsmax/... @11215 ==== CL 12634 ==== @FIX: fixed code that adds the default 3ds Max installation directories in "C:/Program Files/Autodesk" to the executable search path. Perl's "glob()" routine doesn't work well on Windows, so had to hand-craft a routine to find all the "3ds Max*" folders. Similarly, found that the registry path search is also broken, due to Perl's Win32::TieRegsitry module not working as advertised. Fix will come sometime in the future... ZD: 11831 ==== CL 12336 ==== @CHANGE: Add explanation that domain admin rights will be needed for the execution accounts under active domain environments. ZD: 11268 ==== CL 12085 ==== @CHANGE: updated the following jobtypes to handle the new "failed" status returned by requestwork() when agenda preflights fail: _3dsmax maya mentalray mtor xsi QUBE-254 ==== CL 12060 ==== @TWEAK: better message (ERROR instead of INFO) when exception is caught in maxscriptServer::run() ==== CL 12059 ==== @FIX: job instance getting stuck in "running" instead of "failing" when there were fatal errors in the "prep()" stage in maxJob.pm. ZD: 9946 ########################################################################### @RELEASE: 6.5-1 This release is designed to work with Qube! version 6.5-x, and includes various fixes to the previous version, and is recommended for all current 6.5-x users. You must also upgrade your Qube! GUI to version 6.5-0 or above to be able to use this version of the 3ds Max jobtype. ==== CL 11761 ==== @FIX: fixed so that runtime error that causes a pipe to close during a "read" on the pipe properly propagates up the process tree and fails the job instance. Modified monitor3dsmax.pl helper program to also exit properly upon detecting a broken pipe. Also cleaned up a lot of exception-handling code in maxJob.pm ZD: 9946 ==== CL 11754 ==== @FIX: issue where the master image wouldn't render when the v-ray renderer is used, AND "Render Setup > Common > Render Output > Save File" is set, AND there are render elements in the scene. In a scene set up likethe above, the master image was not being output, causing the output file check to generate errors. ZD: 10178 ==== CL 11699 ==== @FIX: issue where the app executable search routine will cause a runtime error. The error message seen in the stderr (.err file) was something lie: Can't use an undefined value as a HASH reference at c:\Program Files\pfx\jobtypes/_3dsmax/utils.pm line 174. Compilation failed in require at C:\ProgramData\Pfx\Qube\logs\job\0\258\258_0.pm line 11. ==== CL 11589 ==== @FIX: now job instance properly exits with a "failed" status if there is an error with writing data to the named pipe (i.e. sending commands to 3dsmax.exe) ZD: 9946 ==== CL 11381 ==== @FIX: max.rayhosts location for 3dsmax versions >= 2013 is now under .../NVIDIA ZD: 9573 ########################################################################### @RELEASE: 6.5-0 This release is designed to work with Qube! version 6.5-x. You must also upgrade your Qube! GUI to version 6.5-0 or above to be able to use this version of the 3ds Max jobtype. This version adds support for 3ds Max v2014. ==== CL 11215 ==== @NEW: add 3ds Max 2014 support ==== CL 11214 ==== @FIX: issue with duplicate declaration of object data member in maxscriptServer.ms, not caught in versions earlier than 2014 ==== CL 11170 ==== @FIX: if the viewport is "locked" to a specific one in the render setup, then that is used for rendering instead of the currently active one. ZD: 9336 ==== CL 11169 ==== @NEW: added "TIF Alpha" option to 3dsmax submission. ==== CL 11027 ==== @FIX: fixed so that subjob immediately fails when the scenefile isn't accessible ZD: 8567 ==== CL 10824 ==== @FIX: 512 character limitation with the new _3dsmax jobtype. Turns out that the limitation was because of the Perl side named pipe reader Win32::Pipe's "Read()" method not reading to the end of the stream, but only reading till the end of the buffer, which by default has a size of 512 bytes. ZD: 8237 ==== CL 10620 ==== @NEW: added "disableOutputCheck" switch to the _3dsmax jobtype ZD: 8536 ==== CL 10602 ==== @FIX: fixed occurences of "Undefined subroutine &_3dsmax::maxJob::hostname called at ../_3dsmax/maxJob.pm line 205." ==== CL 10433 ==== @TWEAK: modified string matching code to use "eq" instead of a regex. Also fixed tab indentation. ==== CL 10432 ==== @FIX: issue where nothing is output after rendering if "outputfile" was given in the submission instead of "Save File" specified in the scenefile. ZD:8204 8242 ==== CL 10405 ==== @FIX: reverse the direction on the back-slashes in the outputfile path, avoid interpreting "path\test" as a "pathest" ==== CL 10151 ==== @FIX: bug where error msg about "find3dsmaxExecutable" is encountered at the begining of the job ==== CL 10136 ==== @FIX: fixed issue with using non-standard "File::HomeDir" module to detect user's home dir ==== CL 10066 ==== @NEW: Add runtime path conversion to 3dsmax jobtype. ########################################################################### @RELEASE: 6.4-0 This release is designed to work with Qube! version 6.4.x. You must also upgrade your Qube! GUI to version 6.4.x or above to be able to use this version of the 3ds Max jobtype. This version adds support for 3ds Max v2013. There has been a lot of changes, especially to the internals, in this version. Some of the more visible changes were: * Added a "legacy mode", to maintain backwards compatibility. The "legacy mode" check box in the submission GUI may be set to use this mode, which will use old code from 3ds Max jobtype 6.3-1. The use of the legacy mode is required for running jobs with older versions of 3ds Max (prior to v2008), but is not recommended otherwise, unless you are having issues with the new default mode. In particular, the legacy mode does NOT, and WILL NOT, support 3ds Max v2013 and above. * Logging info from max is printed to stdout, and most everything else to the stderr, so that the logs don't get mixed up. * The "About Qube..." dialog in the in-app Qube! menu has been removed * The name of the jobtype has changed to "_3dsmax" (from "3dsmax") for techincal reasons. Other, more internal changes include: * The new jobtype does not use a binary DLL (i.e., qbXX.dlx), but uses the dotnet via maxscript to open a named pipe in the running 3dsmax.exe program, and takes command via the named pipe to process the rendering. * Many maxscript and perl routines were refactored and reorganized. ==== CL 9844 ==== @CHANGE: modified 3dsmax submission simplecmd GUI to submit with prototype "_3dsmax" to support the new _3dsmax jobtype. @TWEAK: more tweaks to the new _3dsmax jobtype. @FIX: mental ray DBR max.rayhosts file must now be written to the "mentalimages" subfolder, not "mentalray", since 3ds Max 2011 @NEW: added code to retry creating a named pipe in the maxscriptServer.ms code. @CHANGE: cleaned up the utils::cleanupRayhostsFile() routine. ==== CL 9820 ==== @FIX: fixed in-app submission dialog to properly submit a job with the new "_3dsmax" name. @CHANGE: removed "About Qube!..." dialog from in-app menu, as it relies on the plugin providing info. The info should be fetched from the GUI's "About" menu for now (we should add a "-about" option to the GUI in the future) @TWEAK: added INFO to print when NOT loading the legacy DLL plugin ==== CL 9815 ==== @NEW: initial add of new _3dsmax jobtype, which works without binary plugins. ==== CL 9714 ==== @CHANGE: call Win32::GetLastError() in case of errors in creating or attaching to the 3dsmax processes, for better diagnostics information to print in the stderr log ==== CL 9554 ==== @CHANGE: back-end code now respects the 3dsmax.exe exit code-- i n particular, if non-zero exit status is returned, the subjob will report "failed" to the supe. Also changed qbQuitMaxWithStatus routine to reportjob("failed") if the given status is "failed". ZD: 6426 ==== CL 9418 ==== @FIX: added code to prevent jobs from failing when vray fb is used but render element filepath is blank or undefined. ZD: 5515 ==== CL 9415 ==== @FIX: added code to prevent jobs from failing when vray fb is used but render element filepath is blank or undefined. ZD: 5515 ==== CL 9332 ==== @UPDATE: 3dsmax jobtype vdproj version update to 6.3.1 ==== CL 9331 ==== @UPDATE: 3dsmax jobtype RELEASE.txt update, job.conf version number update. ==== CL 9225 ==== @FIX: fixed to respect render type (#view, #region, etc) in the scene. ZD: 5494 ==== CL 9222 ==== @FIX: fixed render element support. fixed issue where the main pass won't render if RE exists, even when the "Save File" is ON. general render output overhaul. ZD: 5383 ==== CL 9203 ==== @FIX: fixed so that the main "beauty" pass is always rendered if the "Save File" checkbox is checked in Render Settings. It was reported that if render elements exist, or if Vray renderer is rendering to its own FB, then the main pass was never rendered. ZD: 5383 ==== CL 9200 ==== @CHANGE: changed qbutils.ms:qbQuitMaxWithStatus to print out more explicit end-of-maxscript line to the log. The routine now prints out the following at very close to the very end of executing the script: ==== MaxScript Processing Complete ==== The code to detect the end of maxscript processing in execute.pm was also modified accordingly to search for that particular string. @TWEAK: added a little more info to be printed to the log ZD: 5307 ==== CL 9189 ==== @FIX: vray "splitRGB" output filename fomr *.RGB_Color.ext to *.RGB_color.ext ZD: 5307 ==== CL 9187 ==== @CHANGE: added code to automatically kill the 3dsmax.exe process if it has been running for over 60 seconds after the jobtype maxscript has finished processing. @NEW: more real-time updating of 3dsmax log output to stdout. ZD: 5307 ==== CL 9074 ==== @NEW: add automatic start/stop of vrayspawner program for V-ray DR BUGZID: 63665 ZD: 4943 ==== CL 9055 ==== @FIX: better support for v-ray frame buffer renders, including saving to "split render channels" files @CHANGE: added "INFO: " to print for most informational logs, for consistency and readability. @INTERNAL: The "outputfile" internal variable which was used to test the validity of each frame's output file, has been changed to an array "outputfiles" so there may be multiple output files per frame (as is the case for when v-ray splite render channels is enabled) ==== CL 9714 ==== @CHANGE: call Win32::GetLastError() in case of errors in creating or attaching to the 3dsmax processes, for better diagnostics information to print in the stderr log ==== CL 9554 ==== @CHANGE: back-end code now respects the 3dsmax.exe exit code-- i n particular, if non-zero exit status is returned, the subjob will report "failed" to the supe. Also changed qbQuitMaxWithStatus routine to reportjob("failed") if the given status is "failed". ZD: 6426 ==== CL 9415 ==== @FIX: added code to prevent jobs from failing when vray fb is used but render element filepath is blank or undefined. ZD: 5515 ==== CL 9225 ==== @FIX: fixed to respect render type (#view, #region, etc) in the scene. ZD: 5494 ==== CL 9222 ==== @FIX: fixed render element support. fixed issue where the main pass won't render if RE exists, even when the "Save File" is ON. general render output overhaul. ZD: 5383 ==== CL 9203 ==== @FIX: fixed so that the main "beauty" pass is always rendered if the "Save File" checkbox is checked in Render Settings. It was reported that if render elements exist, or if Vray renderer is rendering to its own FB, then the main pass was never rendered. ZD: 5383 ==== CL 9200 ==== @CHANGE: changed qbutils.ms:qbQuitMaxWithStatus to print out more explicit end-of-maxscript line to the log. The routine now prints out the following at very close to the very end of executing the script: ==== MaxScript Processing Complete ==== The code to detect the end of maxscript processing in execute.pm was also modified accordingly to search for that particular string. @TWEAK: added a little more info to be printed to the log ZD: 5307 ==== CL 9189 ==== @FIX: vray "splitRGB" output filename fomr *.RGB_Color.ext to *.RGB_color.ext ZD: 5307 ==== CL 9187 ==== @CHANGE: added code to automatically kill the 3dsmax.exe process if it has been running for over 60 seconds after the jobtype maxscript has finished processing. @NEW: more real-time updating of 3dsmax log output to stdout. ZD: 5307 ==== CL 9074 ==== @NEW: add automatic start/stop of vrayspawner program for V-ray DR BUGZID: 63665 ZD: 4943 ==== CL 9055 ==== @FIX: better support for v-ray frame buffer renders, including saving to "split render channels" files @CHANGE: added "INFO: " to print for most informational logs, for consistency and readability. @INTERNAL: The "outputfile" internal variable which was used to test the validity of each frame's output file, has been changed to an array "outputfiles" so there may be multiple output files per frame (as is the case for when v-ray splite render channels is enabled) ########################################################################### @RELEASE: 6.3-0 This release is designed to work with Qube! version 6.3.x. ==== CL 9044 ==== @FIX: import "File::Temp::tempfile()" to current namespace. ==== CL 8887 ==== @NEW: add out-of-the-box support for 3dsmax design 2011 and 2012. Edits made to job.conf and .vdproj files ZD: 2281 4658 BUGZID: 63478 ==== CL 8810 ==== @FIX: added code to work around issue where the "qbFindStringReverse()" routine generates a "** system exception **" with max 2012. @CHANGE: also refactored code that detects when the output file name has no extension. ZD: 4231 ==== CL 8643 ==== @NEW: add 3ds max 2012 support for 32-bit platforms BUGZID: 63594 ==== CL 8639 ==== @NEW: add 3ds Max 2012 support. ==== CL 8584 ==== @FIX: issue with 3dsmax app version >= 2008 not being detected correctly. Bug was introduced when 3ds Max Design suppor was added. ########################################################################### @RELEASE: 6.2-0 This release is designed to work with Qube! version 6.2.x. ==== CL 8464 ==== @FIX: adding better support for renders exclusively using the v-ray frame-buffer output BUGZID: ZD: 2466 ==== CL 8319 ==== @FIX: skip output directory check if outdir is blank. The scene-global outdir may be blank if, for example, the V-ray raw frame-buffer output file is used for output. ZD: 3380 ==== CL 8219 ==== @FIX: attempt to fix "3dsmax.exe PID not found" error ZD: 2466 2329 ==== CL 8217 ==== @FIX: adjusted code to NOT render to default image output file even if the outputfile parameter is empty, if render elements are present in the scene. In some cases, it was generating unneeded image files. ZD: 3380 ==== CL 8038 ==== @NEW: adding application search paths for "Subscription Advantage Pack" installations. ZD: 2890 @CHANGE: upping job.conf version number to 6.1-1 ==== CL 7805 ==== @CHANGE: modifying 3dsmax jobtype plugin's vcproj files to use the 3rdPary*/qube-6.1 library files BUGZID: ########################################################################### @RELEASE: 6.1-0 This release is designed to work with Qube! version 6.1-x. @FIX: in-app submission fixed to take frame range values from correct source. BUGZID: 63469 @FIX: Added "use File::Temp;" to fix issue with DBR not working. ZD: 2466 @FIX: modified code that replaces backslashes to forward slashes in the scenefile path before passing it to the "qube.ex e" command line as one of the args. It was causing UNC paths to not work with 3dsmax batch render jobs, because the "copy" command expects UNC paths to use backslashes. ZD: 2281 @@FIX: modified regex to detect 3dsmax Design versions properly also, in getAppVersion(). ZD: 2281 BUGZID: @FIX: Adding agenda_timeout support for legacy 3dsmax jobtype API. Note that the 3dsmax jobtype API's fron-tend support has been obsoleted, and the back-end code may also be obsoleted soon, so it is not recommended to be used in any new code. Old code should be modified to use python, perl, or the c++ Qube API. ZD: 2229 @NEW: Added feature to tell subjob to NOT create a working copy of the scenefile, or to copy it to a local tmp folder instead of the default, which is the original scene folder. ZD: 1719 BUGZID: @DOCS: updated 3dsmax/README-DBR.txt with V-Ray DR info. BUGZID: ZD: 1709 ########################################################################### @RELEASE: 6.0-0 This release is designed to work with Qube! version 6.0-x. @NEW: added "gamma override" option to the 3dsmax jobtype. ########################################################################### @RELEASE: 5.5-2 @SUMMARY: This release is designed to work with Qube! version 5.5-x. It includes added support for 3dsMax 2011, V-Ray DR, and a number of fixes since the last release. @NEW: Add 3dsMax 2011 support. @CHANGE: Modified invocation of the 3dsmaxcmd.exe from a simple system() call to a more complicated CreateProcess() method, for better tracking of processes. @CHANGE: modified GUI submission dialog's "3dsmax version" pulldown to list version numbers that are easier to comprehend (like "v2011" instead of "13000"), while maintaining backward compatibility ("13000" still works) @NEW: added "3dsmaxcmd" GUI widget to enable users to explicitly specify the path to the executable. Also modified backend to use it. @NEW: Added V-Ray Distributed Render (DR) support for 3dsmax @FIX: "enableDBR" bug (see changelist 6825) @CHANGE: the render VFB is displayed now. It's closed after every frame. @FIX: wrapped the entire script with try-catch, so runtime errors are caught and the script can exit @CHANGE: changed default output directory to be the "renderoutput" folder parallel to the scene directory, instead of the result from "getdir #renderoutput", since that can ofgen return a folder on the local filesystem. BUGZID: 63308 @FIX: Updated README.txt with info on workaround for "Error initializing backburner path system". ########################################################################### @RELEASE: 5.5-1 @SUMMARY: This release is designed to work with Qube! version 5.5-x. It includes a few fixes since the last release. @FIX: issue with preempted subjobs going "complete" (ZD #625) @FIX: removed call to qbAbortMax() which seems to cause "stalling" subjob issues under some environments (ZD #539) @FIX: Added call to the gc() (garbage collection) routine, right after the call to render(). BUGZID: 63250 @CHANGE: Updated windows qube.ico files for all jobtypes. The icon shows in the "add/remove program" panel on Windows, among possibly other places. This is a cleaner-looking transparent background icon, and was converted from the icon that's used on OSX (qube_icon.icns). ########################################################################### @RELEASE: 5.5-0 @SUMMARY: This release is designed to work with Qube! version 5.5-x. @CHANGE: Built against Qube 5.5 libraries @NEW: added support for Render Elements. Code was contributed by Ari Sachter-Zeltzer of Shadowplay Studio. Thanks! ########################################################################### @RELEASE: 5.4-2 @SUMMARY: This release is designed to work with Qube! version 5.4-x. @FEATURE: Added 3ds Max 2010 support. @FIX: Backwards compatibility fix for Max 9 (substituteString added in Max 2008) Issue noted by customer. BUGZID: 61880 @FIX: now uses output file path specified in the scenefile, if it's not given in submission. BUGZID: 61951 @FIX: Added code to use a tmp copy of the scenefile on each subjob, in an attempt to workaround 3dsmax stalling issue. @CHANGE: modified temp blank scene filename. @CHANGE: Modified so that the copy of blank.max will have the hostname and process ID in its filename. @FIX: added code to name the tmp logfile (pseudo-) uniquely, in an attempt to avoid 3dsmax deadlocks. @FIX: modfied getAppVersion() code to guess 3dsmax version from the executable path, instead of from just the binary. ########################################################################### @RELEASE: 5.4-1 @SUMMARY: This release is designed to work with Qube! version 5.4-x. @FIX: Improved reliability for launching the in-application 3dsmax submission dialog on Windows. ########################################################################### @RELEASE: 5.4-0 @SUMMARY: This release is designed to work with Qube! version 5.4-x. @CHANGE: Built for Qube! version 5.4-x ########################################################################### @RELEASE: 5.3-1 @SUMMARY: This release is designed to work with Qube! version 5.3-x. @FEATURE: Added 3ds Max 2009 support. Added 3ds Max 2009 support on both 32- and 64-bit platforms. @FEATURE: Added "timelimit" option. Timelimit option will kill subjobs after specified amount of time. @BUGFIX: Fixed linkage against Qube 5.3 library. If "delayed request" errors were seen in the supelog, and/or if issues where jobs were terminating prematurely (without completing the entire frame ranges) were seen, those should be fixed now. ########################################################################### @RELEASE: 5.3-0 @SUMMARY: This release is designed to work with Qube! version 5.3-x. @CHANGE: Built for Qube! version 5.3-x Built against Qube! version 5.3-x. ########################################################################### @RELEASE: 5.2-1 @SUMMARY: This release is designed to work with Qube! version 5.2-x. We have added support for 3dsmax 2008, on both 32- and 64-bit platforms. @FEATURE: Added 3dsmax 2008 support The brand new 3dsmax 2008 is now supported, on both 32- and 64-bit platforms. ########################################################################### @RELEASE: 5.2-0 @SUMMARY: This release is designed to work with Qube! version 5.2-x. As of this release, 3dsmax 6.x and earlier are no longer supported. This release is built against the new Qube! 5.2 libraries, and includes a few feature enhancements and bug fixes. Among the biggest feature enhancements are the native support for 64-bit 3dsmax, and the support for mental ray DBR (Distributed Bucket Rendering). @FEATURE: mental ray DBR support The mental ray Distributed Bucket Rendering, or DBR, is now supported. Please refer to the README-DBR.txt file for details on setting it up and using it. @FEATURE: Added 64-bit support The 64-bit version of 3dsmax is now supported. You will need the 64-bit version of Qube! installed on our 64-bit platform for the 64-bit jobtype to work properly. ########################################################################### @RELEASE: 5.1-0 @COMPATIBILITY: This release should work with Qube! version 5.1-0 and above. @SUMMARY: This release is built against the new Qube! 5.1 libraries, and includes a few minor bug fixes. ########################################################################### @RELEASE: 5.0-0 @COMPATIBILITY: This release should work with Qube! version 5.0-0 and above. @SUMMARY: The main highlight of this release is the additional support for 3ds Max version 9. It also includes some added post-rendering error checking, and some bug fixes. @FEATURE: 3ds Max 9 support The jobtype now supports 3ds max 9 (32-bit only) @FEATURE: Post-render error check. The jobtype back-end code now checks the output file for its existence and file size after every frame's rendering has finished. @BUGFIX: easier-to-read log The stdout log has been modified to look easier on the human eye. @BUGFIX: report correct status to supe. The backend now reports the correct exit status to supe. @CHANGE: subjobs bail when frames fail Subjobs now fail when a frame they're working on fails. ########################################################################### @RELEASE: 4.0-6 (2006-08-25) @COMPATIBILITY: This release should work with qube-core version 4.0-0 and above. @SUMMARY: This is a maintenance release, including better error-checking on I/O directories, and a more robust mechanism to find the executable in the back-end. @FEATURE: Better I/O error-checking The back-end code now checks for read/write permissions on the input scenefile and output directory. @FEATURE: Better support for 3dsmax installed in non-default location The back-end code now supports a more robust mechanism of searching for the 3dsmaxcmd.exe program. It searches the $PATH first, then the paths specified in the windows registry, and then the default installation locations. @CHANGE: Internal code cleanup Some internal cleanup of code has been done, for better maintainability. ########################################################################### @RELEASE: 4.0-5 (2006-03-20) @COMPATIBILITY: This release should work with qube-core version 4.0-0 and above. @SUMMARY: The biggest feature of this release is the addition of 3dsmax v8 support. Also, this release includes a number of bug-fixes and/or small enhancements. Upgrading from the previous version is strongly recommended. @BUGFIX: Submission dialog status feedback field scrolling The submission dialog's stauts feedback area now properly displays the latest submission result. @BUGFIX: Permission issue when backend opening blank.max scenefile Fixed bug where permission issues on the installation folder (c:/program files/pfx/jobtypes/3dsmax/) prevented the back-end code from launching properly on some installataions. @FEATURE: 3dsmax v8 support This release includes the much-demanded 3dsmax version 8 support! @FEATURE: Automatic loading of plugin and scripts The installer now installs a startup script to the proper folder, so that 3ds max loads the Qube! plugin upon launching. @FEATURE: Better logging This version supports better logging of 3dsmax error and warning messages, which are output to the job's stdout and stderr. @CHANGE: Internal cleanup and reorganization of files and functions Some internal cleanup of code and reorganization of files and functions were done, for better maintainability. ########################################################################### @RELEASE: 4.0-0 (2005-12-12) @COMPATIBILITY: This release should work with qube-core version 4.0-0 and above. @SUMMARY: This release is a new distribution package of the 3dsmax jobtype for Qube! release 4.0-0. @CHANGE: Updated for Qube! v4.0-0 Package rebuilt for the new Qube! version, 4.0-0. @CHANGE: Installation location Installation location is now C:/Program Files/pfx/jobtypes/3dsmax/